Why do you bother to meditate?

why do you bother meditating - mindfulness word cloud

Why do you bother to meditate?

Pain (and that guy) brought me to meditation. Reduced suffering keeps me here. I combine principles from ancient Buddhist teachings with my own movement experience to implement mindful movement. And, I tried many other practices. I only named a few. They either put a band-aid on the cause or attempted to divert my attention from it. By contrast, mindfulness approached it head-on, and for me, offered the most relief. But why do you bother to meditate?


The next time you do your preferred movement form, choose an interval and an object of meditation. Before you begin your mindful movement, ask  yourself what led you to choose this book.

Begin to move and direct your mind to your object of meditation. If thoughts of why you picked up this book come to you while you’re practicing,  acknowledge them, allow them to float away like clouds, and gently bring your mind back to your object of meditation. Continue for whatever interval you choose.

In the next section, I will discuss the “body sensations” on which you focus your attention. Varied and plentiful, they offer lots of options for practice.

I have included more than twenty “Your Turn” exercises in the book Make Every Move a Meditation.

This excerpt is from Make Every Move a Meditation by Nita Sweeney which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.
