Touring the senses meditation

man backpacking in tall grass - touring the senses meditation
Touring the senses meditation

In 5-Minute Mindfulness: Walking,* Douglas Baker offers another way of working with awareness that he calls “Touring the Senses.” In his “touring the senses meditation,” Baker slowly moves his attention from one sense to the next while he walks.

The process isolates sensations coming in from one particular sense gate and calms the barrage of sensory input. Once you have familiarized yourself with each of the sense gates, a tour could add variety to your practice.

I have included more than twenty “Your Turn” exercises in the book Make Every Move a Meditation.

*Douglas Baker, 5-Minute Mindfulness: Walking (Beverly: Fair Winds Press, 2017), 44.

This excerpt is from Make Every Move a Meditation by Nita Sweeney which is available now through Amazon and Mango Media.
