woman walking into the sunset along a street - advanced breath and counting techniques

Advanced breath and counting techniques

Advanced meditation techniques: breath and counting Improve your practice with these additional methods: advanced breath and counting techniques. Here is another way to use the breath as the object of

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woman on horseback in the ocean - mindful microhits meditation

Mindful microhits meditation

Mindful microhits meditation Instead of staying with an object of meditation for any sustained period of time, another option is to intensely focus on one sensation for a brief period.

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man backpacking in tall grass - touring the senses meditation

Touring the senses meditation

Touring the senses meditation In 5-Minute Mindfulness: Walking,* Douglas Baker offers another way of working with awareness that he calls “Touring the Senses.” In his “touring the senses meditation,” Baker

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tips of skis in snow - free-floating awareness meditation

Free-floating awareness meditation

Free-Floating Awareness Meditation The next mode of awareness is “free-floating.” Returning to the camera analogy, in this type of focus, point the camera at the first thing that draws your

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wide angle view of volcanic beach - wide focus meditation

Wide focus meditation

Wide Focus Meditation Widening Focus – When I first began to run, that “wonky ankle” would swell. It rarely hurt during the run, but it ached after. I checked with

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"Writing is not just an act of creation. It is a process of self-discovery."—Cristina Istrati

Writing as Creation and Self-Discovery

  “Writing is not just a process of creation. It is also a process of self-discovery.”—Cristina Istrati Self-discovery draws many writers to the page. We don’t know what we think

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