News! – Write Now Columbus – January 2020
I may be too sick to write an essay because I came down with the flu, but I’m not too sick to share some happy updates.
Mango Publishing just signed me to a NEW PROJECT! In Spring 2020, Mango will release You Should Be Writing: A Journal of Inspiration and Instruction to Keep Your Pen Moving.
You Should Be Writing is not just another pretty notebook. The “blank” pages include wisdom from writers who have trudged the trail before us and left breadcrumbs we can follow. I hope you find it helpful on your writing path.
Be sure to follow me on social media, so you don’t miss the cover reveal and other news!
My next class is this month, on Sunday, January 19th from 1PM to 5PM in Upper Arlington and I’m booking other events into the spring.
As always, I wish you happy, healthy writing. Please let me know how things are going. Your success is my joy!