Write Now Newsletter – July 2003

“. . . [writing] is your friend. It will never desert you, though you may desert it many times. The writing process is a constant source of life and vitality.”
                     – Natalie Goldberg in Writing Down the Bones

Good Day Writers:

Okay. Let’s be honest. How many times have you deserted writing? How many times have you firmly decided that making latch-hook rugs while watching Cheers reruns is more fulfilling, worthwhile and lucrative than writing? If you’re like me, it’s more often than the sun has set since time began. The last time I told my husband that my love affair with the muse was finally, actually, honest-to-god, finito, endito, done and over, he patted me and said, “It’s okay honey. Go get your notebook. You just need to write.”

Despite my unfaithfulness, whenever I pick up that pen, writing is there. It waits for me more loyal than even my most dependable dog. I find myself back at the desk, pen in hand, words flowing in purple ink across the blue lines of my spiral notebook and I wonder why I ever left.

Writing is there for you too. Whether you’ve been away for years or only a day. Writing is there. Waiting — like Lassie for Tommy. All you have to do is pick up your pen.

Nita(Lassie! Go find Tommy!) Sweeney
(c) 2003 by Nita Sweeney
