Mindful Wellness: Insight for Sore Eyes: Recharging (Physically)
Tuesday, April 27th from Noon to 1pm ET
Part. 1 Insight for Sore Eyes: Recharging (Physically)
Program Description:
Struggling with separating work from home (literally!) and finding that coping mechanisms have either vanished or alternately, flooded over you? We can only imagine a stressful profession increases what society is already feeling. COVID-19 turning into COVID-21 calls for self-reflection. We don’t want client relationships to suffer! This series will explore 3 areas that should not be ignored. Professional conduct credit pending.
Program Agenda:
Speaker Bio:
Nita Sweeney, Award-Winning Author, Depression Hates A Moving Target, is an Amazon #1 Best-Seller, Meditator, Marathoner
Seminar Number for Pt. 2 Only: CLE#2021077 | 1.0 Prof Conduct Hr
$0 Passport