Write (Now) Newsletter – June 2006

Write (Now) Newsletter – June 2006

“Be regular and orderly in your life lke a bourgeois so that you may be violent and original in your work.”                                    – Gustave Flaubert

Dear Writers:

This morning, I once again walked into Caribou Coffee at the corner of Tremont and Zollinger, the same coffeehouse I write at nearly every day. The manager, Paul, called me by name. Before I had time to place my laptop and my bookbag on my usual table [the same one by the window where I write nearly every day] and walk to the counter, he had my usual drink ready. I’m nothing if not predictable.

My life may not match the wild fantasies you’ve conjured about the writing life. It may sound boring, but it works. I make my life black and white so that my writing may be colorful. I’ll take a dull life over dull writing any day.

To get a glimpse of just how “colorful” my daily writing life is not, surf over to my writing blog, BumGlueBlog. I’m posting regular updates of the progress on my book and of things I’m finding helpful in the process.

And now let’s all get back to work!

Nita (yawn) Sweeney
©Nita Sweeney, 2006, all rights reserved

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p.s. For information about Jamey Ax, Nita’s niece, please go to http://www.caringbridge.org and type: Jameyax (all one word).
