Write Now Newsletter – February 2012


“Shut up about ideal conditions. I am tired of hearing myself whine about needing a writing shed and, frankly, I’m tired of hearing you whine about it too.” – Patti Digh in a blog article on Sheila Bender’s website

Hi Writers:

In 1996, I attended my first writing workshop with Natalie Goldberg. By June of 1997, I had convinced my adventurous husband that we should put our house on the market and move to Taos, New Mexico so I could study with Natalie year-round. Now, mind you, Natalie didn’t have any kind of plan for people to study with her year-round, but I thought, if I just got out of Ohio, I could write. I mean, the sun! The moutains! The fresh, high-altitude air! What’s not to love about a tiny art town in the mountains of New Mexico? Well, one day I intend to write a book answering that question, but suffice it to say, when we moved, I brought my chronic depression and poor writing habits along.

Fast forward three years. The house in Taos was sold and we were back in central Ohio. Hubby would have preferred California or Hawaii, but I was convinced only Ohio would do. And guess what? Writing wasn’t any easier back in Ohio.

Don’t get me wrong. I benefit from a good change of scenery every once in awhile, especially if said change of scenery lacks internet connection. But I don’t kid myself that a geographic cure will fix the problem. Writers need to be able to write when it’s time to write no matter where they find themselves. For several years the best writing spot was whatever doctor’s office waiting room I found myself in as I accompanied my mother on her visits to a variety of physicians. I’d take earplugs or headphones and my laptop. I’d tune out the other patients and caregivers and write. I didn’t have a choice. I was getting my M.F.A. and the deadlines weren’t flexible!

The moral of the story was put eloquently in the blog article quoted above. Wherever you go, there you are. If you can’t write in your three-bedroom ranch in central Ohio, chances are you won’t be able to write in the mountains of New Mexico.

What about you? Have you ever attempted a geographic cure? Have you ever been lured into the notion that “ideal conditions” could solve your woes? As always, I’d love to hear about them. If you would like, please leave a comment on my blog, BumGlue.

Nita Sweeney
(c)Nita Sweeney, 2012, all rights reserved

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