Here I Go!

Ed (my hubsand) and I have been in Port Townsend, Washington for three days. I haven’t written much except postcards and emails home. That should change soon. This afternoon around 3PM I’ll check into the “dorms” at Fort Worden State Park, a former military base turned conference center where I’ll begin the first residency of a two-year journey toward a master of fine arts (MFA) in creative writing through Goddard College (Yes, I know. Goddard’s in Vermont, but I’m not).

Fort Worden is also home to Centrum, an amazing arts establishment that hosts concerts and conferences, recitals and plays and makes the same easily accessible to the community. During the week I’m here, Centrum will host the Port Townsend Writer’s Conference with writers like Walter Mosley.

Please cross your fingers. I’m a little nervous. I’ve got that “you’re nothing but a silly little farm girl so who the heck do you think you are” tape running in my head. Perhaps you can relate. But I’ve also got the secret weapons: writing practice and bum glue. If things get tough, I know what to do. Butt to chair. Pen to paper. GO!
