Guarded Optimism

The two days I spent not writing while I attended the Columbus Writers’ Conference may have paid off. I’m not jumping up and down, but I’m smiling.

I met editors and agents and had a chance to pitch my memoir, Memorial: Our Last Year on the Links, to one of each. As I explained what the book was about, the agent stared at me blankly until I added, “. . . and most of the book is set on golf courses around the country.”

He pulled out his card and told me, “Send a query letter and the first ten pages.”

Between my pitch sessions, I had a brief conversation with Jack Heffron of The Writer’s Idea Book, fame. I told him about my prior session with the agent and my upcoming session with the editor. Jack said, “Start with the golf. Pound all the information down into two sentences. And tell her it’s set in a golf cart, not on golf courses.”

I thought I knew how to do this, but that twist – golf cart versus golf courses. Brilliant. I spent some time on the next break coming up with a pitch: “My book is a father daughter story set in a golf cart. The stoic father comes to terms with his impending death and the depressed lawyer daughter heals from her emotional wounds as the two spend his last summer on golf courses in four states.”

The editor was initially guarded, but warmed qickly. She said, “I can see this book. Yes. Yes,” only qualifying her response with, “. . . since I haven’t seen the book itself. . . .” As we closed, several minutes over the alotted time, she discretely handed me her card and said, “Send it to me.”

“How many pages?”

She looked confused, “The whole thing. Send it all.”

WHEW! I have my work cut out for me. Although Memorial is almost “done,” it’s nowhere near, DONE. I’m off to a coffeehouse ASAP to begin the refining process with fingers crossed for luck.
