Family in golf gear. Untangling emotions
Untangling emotions

Untangling emotions The last year my father was alive coincided with my recovery from a major depressive episode during which I had nearly killed myself. He and I spent his final summer playing golf, and he and my mother lived with us in the four months before his death. As

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5 conditions - Woman with hand on head leaning over a hot stove
The 5 Conditions

The 5 Conditions During the meditation leader training I took at the Sage Institute for Creativity & Consciousness, they introduced us to “The 5 Conditions,” another way to look at the interaction of thoughts and body sensations. Originally set forth by Zen Master Bernie Glassman as an explanation of what

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How to meditate on emotions - people holding drawings of facial expressions
How to meditate on emotion

How to meditate on emotion How do you deal with emotions that come up in mindful movement practice? The real question is, “When emotions arise, how do you infuse that experience with awareness and equanimity?” Emotions can be highly charged, painful, and seductive. How then do you work with them?

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Confused woman shrugs. Taking the wrong medicine.
Taking the wrong medicine

Taking the Wrong Medicine Shinzen often talks about the temptation to do what’s easy or comes naturally. He calls it, “taking the wrong medicine.” If for example you prefer guided workouts, a broad focus of attention, or listening to music during movement meditation, nothing is inherently wrong with those things.

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Man standing in field watching sun in blue sky. Use what arises.
Meditation: use what arises

Use What Arises Earlier on this blog (and in the book Make Every Move a Meditation) you learned a wider variety of awareness techniques and another splendid thing about meditation becomes clear: you can use what’s handy, whatever aspect of experience occurs. You can use what arises. You may set

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The paperback book My Unfurling
My Unfurling: A Review

Many “quit lit” memoirs loudly recount the author’s drunkalogue, regaling readers with horrific tales of harm done during blackouts, jail stints, and other cringe-worthy escapades. While those books have great merit in showing the reality of such a life and to possibly help other problem drinkers see themselves and get

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woman walking into the sunset along a street - advanced breath and counting techniques
Advanced breath and counting techniques

Advanced meditation techniques: breath and counting Improve your practice with these additional methods: advanced breath and counting techniques. Here is another way to use the breath as the object of meditation: Remember the four parts of the breath: the inhale, the turn, the exhale, and the pause before the next

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woman on horseback in the ocean - mindful microhits meditation
Mindful microhits meditation

Mindful microhits meditation Instead of staying with an object of meditation for any sustained period of time, another option is to intensely focus on one sensation for a brief period. Shinzen Young calls these “Mindful Microhits.”* Shinzen specifically calls this type of short-interval meditation practice “Micro Practice.” His instructions state:

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man backpacking in tall grass - touring the senses meditation
Touring the senses meditation

Touring the senses meditation In 5-Minute Mindfulness: Walking,* Douglas Baker offers another way of working with awareness that he calls “Touring the Senses.” In his “touring the senses meditation,” Baker slowly moves his attention from one sense to the next while he walks. The process isolates sensations coming in from

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tips of skis in snow - free-floating awareness meditation
Free-floating awareness meditation

Free-Floating Awareness Meditation The next mode of awareness is “free-floating.” Returning to the camera analogy, in this type of focus, point the camera at the first thing that draws your attention. You see a beautiful flower. Focus on it, taking your time to thoroughly see it before clicking the shutter.

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